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Theatre returns to Sydney mainstages

Hopeful signs for the sector in Sydney as mainstage theatres prepare to reopen, though the situation remains grim in Victoria.…


MEAA working with Opera Australia to ensure redundancies are 'justified'

The finger of blame has been pointed at the Federal Government, with redundancies the result of ‘delayed, limited and arbitrary…

Opinions & Analysis

Why student theatre must survive this pandemic

Why do we devalue the next generation of artists? Fergus Black & Lakshmi Ganapathy examine our stance on student productions


NSW and QLD community museums are under enormous threat

Making up 80% of public museums, many not-for-profit volunteer-run spaces won’t survive the pandemic, which will erode cultural life in…

Career Advice

Courage vs confidence

Overcoming anxiety can mean discovering your courage. Dr Jackie Bailey re-examines this sought-after quality.


What Darwin Festival learned about operating in a pandemic

The homegrown Darwin Festival 2020 created a palpable sense of community despite adhering to social distancing guidelines.


Announcing the Recovery Roadmap Webinars

Presented by ArtsHub and Creative Victoria, this new webinar series will cover a range of helpful topics as we look…


Weathering the storm: Australian theatre for young audiences in the time of Coronavirus

The double blow of COVID and funding cuts have hit the youth arts and theatre for young audiences sectors hard,…


On the precipice: theatre for the isolated audience

Will the wave of accessible works created by livestreaming during the pandemic be a permanent addition to our theatre ecology…


Discovering delight as an antidote to 2020

Delight is that elusive quality that can reboot your mental health, according to The Rumpus' Caitlin Marshall.

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