Illuminate Adelaide

Washdog / Illuminate Adelaide Studios Residency

The Washdog/Illuminate Adelaide Residency offers a 12-month rent-free studio for SA artists exploring digital and new media art.


Opportunity Details

Closing Date

Sep 22, 2024


South Australia


All Arts

The Washdog / Illuminate Adelaide Studios Residency offers a 12-month rent-free shared studio / office space for a South Australian artist at Washdog Studios in Kent Town. This inaugural opportunity is intended for artists who have a demonstrated commitment to their practice and are looking to extend their work and experiment with digital and new media art-making tools and processes.

As an open plan shared space of artist studios across a range of media, Washdog is a generous and collaborative environment. This opportunity is open to eligible emerging or mid-career artists who may or may not already be making work with computer-based processes. 


Apply here


Image credit: Dave Court, Henry Jock Walker, and Kaspar Schmidt Mumm