Grant Details



Grant Amount

Upon application

Application Type



Writing and Publishing


New South Wales

Create NSW

Regional Arts Touring Round 2

Artists, creatives and producers, both individuals and organisations, can apply for up to $60,000 for small-scale tours or up to $120,000 for larger tours, spanning a touring schedule of up to two years.

Regional artists and producers can apply to tour their work to other regional communities, as well as Western Sydney-based and metro-based productions and programs touring beyond greater Sydney.

A wide range of artforms are eligible for Regional Arts Touring – First Nations arts and culture, performing arts, visual arts, literature, history and museums, digital and immersive arts.

Administered by Create NSW, this funding aims to enhance community access to vibrant arts experiences, foster creative collaborations, and boost local economies.

Read the guidelines and apply

Image: Lingua Franca, 2024 NSW tour of Highway of Lost Hearts, Photograph by Hannah Grogan

For more information click here