Australian Music Centre

MOMENTUM Commission: Composing lutruwita

MOMENTUM Commissions: Composing lutruwita is offering a commission of $4,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be granted to one creator based in Tasmania (lutruwita) for a new work inspired by…


Opportunity Details

Closing Date

Oct 9, 2024





Facilitated by the Australian Music Centre, the MOMENTUM Commissions aim to foster connections between supporters and creators of Australian art music and provide a creative platform for composers and sounds artists at all stages of their career. The work of creating art is essential, and the MOMENTUM Commissions seek to provide the financial stimulation artists need to flourish in their creative work.

Composing lutruwita 

MOMENTUM Commissions: Composing lutruwita is offering a commission of $4,000 (plus GST if applicable) to be granted to one creator based in lutruwita/Tasmania for a new work inspired by some aspect of life in Tasmania (lutruwita).

This MOMENTUM Commission has been made possible with the generous support of an anonymous supporter.

The commissioned work will be:

  • 5-7 minutes in duration;
  • written for up to four musicians;
  • primarily instrumental in character.

The commissioned work may:

  • include improvisations;
  • include voice and/or electronics;
  • constitute a part of a larger work such as a suite or a song cycle.

The work is to be inspired by some aspect of life in Tasmania (lutruwita), such as (but not limited to):

  • its unique flora, fauna, geography, landscapes and ecosystems;
  • its history, both Aboriginal and convict/colonial;
  • its current and past political, cultural, and social contexts;
  • significant events or incidents which have shaped the lives of its residents.

The commission recipient will be expected to lodge the work into the AMC catalgoue upon completion.


Applicants must be residing in Tasmania (lutruwita) and must have done so for a minimum of six months prior to the application deadline (9 October 2024).

Composers of any age and at any stage of their career are eligible to apply. First Nations creators, gender and culturally diverse creators are strongly encouraged to apply.