Off-Grid Living Festival

High Schools - Pedal Power Competition

A competition where Art meets Science and bright ideas come alive! 


Opportunity Details

Closing Date

Jan 31, 2025




Youth arts

Regional High School Students – PEDAL POWER COMPETITION!!

Where Art meets Science and bright ideas come alive! 

Attention all high school innovators, scientists and future engineers! Get ready to pedal your way to new discoveries in our upcoming competition, where creativity and sustainability come together.

We challenge you to design and build pedal-powered machines that demonstrate the incredible potential of human energy. Get super creative – think beyond the ordinary and envision bikes that charge phones, power washing machines, or even a bicycle that powers a blender!

Your mission is to blend ingenuity with eco-friendly principles. This competition is not only a chance to showcase your technical skills and innovative thinking but also an opportunity to explore green technology and its impact on our future.

So, gather your teams, brainstorm your best ideas, and start pedalling towards a brighter, greener world!

What is Pedal Power?

Pedal power, often referred to as a bike generator, is a form of energy generation where human effort is converted into electricity through pedaling a stationary or mobile bicycle. It works by attaching a generator or alternator to the bike, which captures the mechanical energy produced by the rider’s pedaling motion. The generator converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy, typically stored in a battery or used to power small devices directly.

Pedal-powered machines can function in two ways: directly, where the direct pedalling drives the machine (e.g. produces a spinning function like a washing machine or blender), or indirectly, where the pedalling generates electricity to run machines (e.g. phone charging or lighting up a bulb). 

How to enter:

1. Register your school and team name via the link above (registration opens soon).

2. Design and build your invention. One team per school may enter and teams can be from 2 student to a whole class, and must be represented by at least one teacher or parent for a home-school group. 

3. Deliver and present your entry (including live powering) to a crowd of thousands, and the judges at the 2025 Off-Grid Living Festival.

4. Winners announcement during the festival on the Sunday, 13th April and acknowledgements and prizes awarded.

Note: At least one student and teacher or guardian must attend the festival to present the entry.