Eastwood/Hills FAW is a group of diverse individuals who offer encouragement and support for writers of all levels of experience, from the beginner to the published professional. At Eastwood/Hills FAW we believe that writing is about more than words alone.
The group meets monthly at Pennant Hills (Sydney, NSW). We offer a stimulating program of workshops, literary competitions, critiquing assistance and supportive fellowship from like-minded people.
The benefits of being a member of the Eastwood/Hills FAW include:
Receiving the quarterly official bulletin of the FAW NSW Inc, the Writers VOICE, which contains news, articles on writing and all the latest competitions.
Access to an exciting yearly program of stimulating monthly workshops that include topics such as writing short stories, articles, poetry, novels, various fiction genres, script writing and others.
Non-compulsory monthly assignments related to the workshop topic to assist you in applying the knowledge and skills gained from the workshop.
Monthly encouragement bookshop vouchers for the 1st and 2nd place winners from the previous month’s assignment.
Valuable critiquing expertise at our monthly meetings from award winning and published authors.
Support and ongoing encouragement for your writing.
Have your successes listed on our website for appreciation by a wider audience.
Advertise your services and publications on our web site free of charge.
Enter our two annual members-only competitions – the John Kelly Award and the Pauline Walsh Award which each carry a cash prize and a perpetual trophy.
Fellowship with like-minded individuals who are interested in writers and writing.
- Access to networking with the wider writing community
For more information, visit hillsfaw.wordpress.com