Cultural Vistas

Climate Action Artist Residency

Artists of Fiji, the Philippines, and Samoa to spend three months embedded in organizations that conduct climate impact research in Germany.


Opportunity Details

Closing Date

Sep 8, 2024




All Arts

The Climate Action Artist Residencies program invites established artists from Germany and selected countries of the Vulnerable 20 (V20) (currently Fiji, the Philippines, and Samoa) to spend three months embedded in organizations that conduct climate impact research. Participants from V20 countries will travel to Germany while participants from Germany will travel to the selected V20 countries.The goal of the program is to artistically convey the climate-induced realities that the societies of the V20 are dealing with and bring the globally interconnected vulnerability caused by climate change to a wider public.


  • Applicants must be of legal age.
  • Applicants permanently living in and representing Fiji, the Philippines, Samoa, and Germany are currently eligible to apply for the program.
  • Applicants from all artistic fields including but not limited to visual arts, film, literature, music, digital arts, spoken word, theater, dance, etc.
  • While no academic degree is required, an established artistic career must be demonstrated.


The program is funded by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany and implemented by Cultural Vistas.


Apply here