City of Port Adelaide Enfield

City of Port Adelaide Enfield - Civic Centre Mural - Expression of Interest

The mural will represent the new modern and vibrant brand, connecting, uniting and  inspiring the community, and will provide an opportunity to showcase artistry made by a  local artist.

Expression of Interest

Opportunity Details

Closing Date

Sep 22, 2024


South Australia


Visual Arts

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield is in the north-western suburbs of Adelaide, about 
eight kilometres from the CBD. It is one of the largest Councils in metropolitan Adelaide 
with its boundary extending from the River Torrens to Outer Harbor.

From its traditional owners, to becoming the gateway to South Australia for trade and 
commerce, the City of PAE is unique in every sense of the word. Today, it is one of the 
most liveable and vibrant communities in the state.

Those who ventured onto these shores helped shape the places, the icons and the 
character that has become synonymous with its DNA.

Today, its rich history runs deep and wide across the 52 suburbs that reside within its 
borders. It’s become home to around 133,000 people and a melting pot of cultures from 
all over the world.

But what distinguishes this city from any other is the fact that people here don’t just co
exist, but rather, collectively contribute to shaping and defining an eclectic PAE.

It’s a city, made by the people, loved by the people.

In July 2024 PAE launched a new City Vision and brand to strengthen this identity and 
represent the collective aspirations and values of its diverse community.

The mural will represent the new modern and vibrant brand, connecting, uniting and 
inspiring the community, and will provide an opportunity to showcase artistry made by a 
local artist.

To view the full EOI, please visit: Opportunities | Port Arts Exchange (

* Please note that this opportunity is only open to Artists living in South Australia*