Canberra Contemporary Art Space


Applications for the 2025 Canberra Contemporary Art Space (CCAS) Manuka program are now open!

Expression of Interest

Opportunity Details

Closing Date

Oct 1, 2024




Visual Arts

Applications for the 2025 CCAS Manuka program are now open!
Canberra Contemporary Art Space (CCAS) is Kamberri/Canberra’s leading independent contemporary visual arts organisation, bringing fresh ideas and bold directions in art to a broad and engaged audience. We run two galleries in Kamberri/Canberra, our main space in the National Triangle, and a satellite project space in Manuka. CCAS Manuka presents ambitious and speculative solo and small group projects by mainly early-career artists, collectives, and curators, prioritising Kamberri/Canberra-based practice. We are now accepting exhibition proposals for our 2025 program.

Excitingly, from 2025, after two decades of operating as a hire-by-the-artist model, CCAS Manuka will transition to a model where venue hire fees are fully subsidised, making it FREE for artists to exhibit. Additionally, the exhibition duration will be extended from two to three weeks, allowing more time for audience and media engagement. This professionalisation of CCAS Manuka aims to better support artists and experimental practice in the ACT, while retaining elements of the DIY nature of the space, particularly exhibition development and installation which are considered strengths of the venue and provide valuable experience for early-career practitioners.

Applications close Tuesday 1 October 2024 (11:59PM AEST) – apply using our online Application Form. You’ll find all the information you’ll need in our 2025 CCAS Manuka Exhibition Application Guide; for further questions, please head to our website or contact Alexander Boynes at

Images: Installation view of HOLDING PATTERN by Mark Booth, 2019 at CCAS Manuka. Photo by Brenton McGeachie; Somewhere I’ve Been exhibition opening (curated by Niamh Armstrong, featuring artists Gemma Brown and Emma Pinsent), CCAS Manuka, 2024. Photo by Hilary Wardhaugh; Processed exhibition opening at CCAS Manuka, by Emeirely Nucifora-Ryan, November 2023. Photo by CCAS; Tailings exhibition at CCAS Manuka, by Bridget Baskerville, December 2023. Photo by Brenton McGeachie; CCAS Manuka, December 2023. Photo by Hilary Wardhaugh).