Grant Details



Grant Amount

Upon application

Application Type






City of Stonnington

Arts and Cultural Grants - City of Stonnington

The Arts and Cultural Annual Grants program reflects the City of Stonnington’s vision to be vibrant, imaginative and creative. Spanning a broad range of art forms and practices, this grant supports inclusive, innovative, engaging, empowering, resilient and environmentally friendly projects. Collectively, these place value on the importance of our creativity and cultural identity and strengthens the social, community and economic development of the City of Stonnington. 

The City of Stonnington Arts and Cultural Grants:

  • provides one year in-kind support for arts organisations, cultural organisations, community groups, emerging artists, and established artists to deliver appealing and contemporary cultural and creative projects
  • connects communities through equitable, inclusive and accessible creative arts practice, activity, participation, location and attraction
  • embraces and supports the knowledge, experience and cultures of different groups including First Nations people, culturally and linguistically diverse people, people living with disability, and LGBTIQA+ people
  • raises the profile of arts and cultural activity throughout Stonnington
  • recognises the importance of utilising environmentally sustainable practice at project development and delivery stages
  • promotes the City of Stonnington as an exciting, attractive, safe, bold, and desired creative destination for community residents and those outside the boundaries
  • supports arts organisations, cultural organisations, individuals, and groups to sustainably grow and succeed
  • encourages shared connections and networking between members of the local arts and culture ecosystem
  • supports promotion and celebration of arts and cultural programs with a wide audience
  • evaluates the outcomes and impacts that creative arts and cultural projects have at personal, social, and economic levels.

Grant types and guidelines

There are five Arts and Culture grants categories available:

Check which is right for you, by reading the eligibility criteria and guidelines before applying. 

Applications 12 noon, Thursday 17 April 2025. 

Arts and Cultural Grants Information Session

There will be an Arts and Cultural Grants Information Session at 6 pm on Tuesday 4 March 2025 at Chapel Off Chapel, Prahran. Please join us from 5:30 pm to meet the Stonnington Arts and Culture Team.

RSVP essential to

For more information click here