Grant Details


Awards & Prizes

Grant Amount

Up to $15,000

Application Type







Art Music Fund

Get your next work funded!
Apply for a A$7,500 grant to fund your commissioned piece

Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand art music composers are encouraged to apply for one of eleven Art Music Fund grants, with each composer receiving A$7,500 to help fund creation of new commissioned work.

What you need to know

Nine grants are available for Australian composers; two for New Zealanders. 

The Art Music Fund seeks to commission new works with a confirmed presentation plan featuring multiple performances, presentations or other outcomes. The Fund has a five-year acquittal period to accommodate a range of compositions, working styles and long-reaching presentation goals.

What do you need to apply?

We are looking for new commissioned work that is innovative, displays professional compositional craft and represents a benchmark of excellence in its field.

Applications must incorporate both the creation of the composition and subsequent exploitation of it, extending its life and reach.

Applicants will be expected to demonstrate partnerships between the composer and ensembles, performers, presenters, producers, recording companies, etc.

What music styles are supported?

The Art Music Fund supports a wide range of music styles including: notated compositionelectroacoustic musicimprovised music; jazzsound artinstallation soundmultimediaweb and film sound and music and theatricaloperatic and choreographed music.

Please read the full guidelines including eligibility requirements, criteria and assessment details.

The Art Music Fund has already provided grants to 81 Australasian composers including Sia AhmadMindy Meng Wang and Monica Lim, Hamed Sadeghi, Corrina Bonshek, Nardi Simpson, Aviva Endean, Connor D’NettoLiza LimErkki Veltheim, and many more.

Remember: plan ahead, get in touch with potential presenting partners and make sure to contact us with any questions.

Applications close: 5pm AEDT Sunday 16 February 2025
Applicants notified: Early May 2025
Acquittal: Grants must be acquitted within five years

For more information click here