Helpmann Academy

A Night of Jazz Helpmann Academy Alumni Showcase 2024 - Up to $1,000!

We invite three groups or individuals from the Helpmann Academy jazz alumni to showcase their work to a jazz audience.

Singers & Musicians

Opportunity Details

Closing Date

Sep 22, 2024


South Australia



Helpmann Academy presents an opportunity for Alumni jazz musicians to perform to guests at A Night of Jazz with Jazzmeia Horn, upon arrival and during the interval. Taking place on Thursday 31 October, A Night of Jazz welcomes renowned American artist Jazzmeia Horn back to Adelaide, to perform at the Adelaide Town Hall.

With the support of City of Adelaide, we invite three groups or individuals from the Helpmann Academy jazz alumni to showcase their work to a jazz audience. The three satellite music performances sit in parallel to the concert event, entertaining guests upon arrival and during the interval.

Two performances will take place in the upstairs vestibule at the Town Hall to welcome guests to the evening, an interval performance will also take place in this location. A third musician will be a pianist performing as part of a private pre-concert event for supporters of the Helpmann Academy in the Queen Adelaide Room. These opportunities are open to solo performers or small groups.

Musicians will use their own instruments, microphone and amplification provided. The pianist in the Queen Adelaide Room will perform on the piano provided.

A Night of Jazz Helpmann Academy Alumni Showcase is supported by the City of Adelaide through a Cultural Strategic Partnership.

1 group of musicians: $1,000
1 solo musician: $500

Applications open on Monday 19 August
Applications close on Sunday 22 September
For performance on Thursday 31 October 2024

Contact Helpmann Academy (08) 7089 0720 /

Presented in partnership with the City of Adelaide and the Adelaide UNESCO City of Music.

Image credits: Performers from A Night of Jazz 2022. Photo by Morgan Sette.