Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming

Vivid Sydney 2018 has opened. Here’s our guide to the most valuable events for those working in the arts.
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When Tory Loudon came on board to curate Vivid Ideas 2018, her thoughts were firmly fixed on the future. 

‘There’s a beautiful David Bowie quote: “Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming”. Tomorrow, the future, what we each need to be equipped to take on the big topics that creativity and innovation should be thinking about – that has been my focus,’ she said.  

Like earlier iterations, Vivid Sydney involves three pillars: the popular illumination of the city; featuring Light art, installations and projections; a Music program of Australian and international acts; and an Ideas program that spans the innovation and imagination sector, exploring the intersection of technology, culture and creativity.

This year’s Vivid Ideas program tackles the big topics and conversations we need to have in the arts.

‘For me it was all about the future. What’s coming up, what sort of society we are creating, how people are using technology and innovation and to tackle the big issues on the horizon,’ said Loudon.

This year’s program has a design and innovation focus, and the creative arts feature across the talks, workshops, and break-out conferences. Here are our highlights.

Local catalysers who are creating the trends

The New Horizons series brings together local creatives and technologists to discuss trends and how we can address important contemporary topics through creativity and design.  

Upskilling and networking opportunities for Creatives

There are also opportunities to learn new skills through practical workshops and sector-specific conferences.

Film, TV, Audio and Digital Disruptors

Data Visualisation 

Creative Careers

‘Throughout Vivid Sydney 2018, audiences and artists alike will be presented with intellectual challenges and stimulating ideas’, Loudon explained.

‘They are all quite big topics, but they are the topics and conversations that I think we need to be having if we want to be a more compassionate society and we want to be better equipped as human beings,’ she concluded. 

Vivid Sydney 2018 runs from 25 May – 16 June at venues across Sydney. Learn more at

Brooke Boland
About the Author
Brooke Boland is a freelance writer based on the South Coast of NSW. She has a PhD in literature from the University of NSW. You can find her on Instagram @southcoastwriter.