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Khaled Sabsabi (left) and Michael Dagostino (right).
Opinions & Analysis

Exclusive: Letter to the Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke MP: Reinstate Khaled and rebuild trust in Creative Australia

This open letter to the Hon. Tony Burke MP, Minister for the Arts, has been provided exclusively to ArtsHub; its…

A young woman peers through the gap of a clapperboard.
Opinions & Analysis

The undercutting of industry standards: how low pay is eroding fair wages in the arts

The misuse of sector jobs sites by companies with the resources to pay fairly needs to end.

Collective Knowledge: image is a screen depicting many people with arms outstretched three people with a red wall behind them looking at the screen.
Opinions & Analysis

The impact of art: does it reside with the public’s perception without regard for the artist’s intent?

Statements made at the Senate estimates hearing over the Creative Australia Board’s Venice Biennale decision raise questions about how the…

career choice
Opinions & Analysis

When I left school I made a terrible career choice

Why I became an electrical engineer and did a 180-degree turn, becoming a published author...

a clapperboard is centre of frame, behind are two people at a cafe table next to a window. One has only their hand seen, the other is of indeterminate gender and race. conscious casting.
Opinions & Analysis

Why Australia needs to embrace ‘conscious casting’

With DEI facing a backlash in certain parts of the world, perhaps it's a good time to go even further…

A young person wearing shorts and short sleeved shirt wearing a face mask is on stage spray painting a green eye on a corrugated iron fence.
Opinions & Analysis

When the 'War of the Worlds' lands in three places at once...

The logistics of staging one festival production in three different locations concurrently is challenging enough. But what happens when you…

The head and shoulders of a white robot with black eyes seen from above. It's looking up at the camera. AI
Opinions & Analysis

A win for creative industries against AI?

Creative cultures may yet suffer when the royalties start flowing.

Opinions & Analysis

Beyond race, is Country: the MTC's '37'

The restaging of Nathan Maynard's hit play from last year is an important contribution to the ongoing discussion of racism…

a phone screen with a number of social media symbols showing up
Opinions & Analysis

What can arts organisations do if their audiences abandon Facebook and Instagram?

With the foundations of established social media platforms becoming unstable, what can arts marketers do to keep reaching their audiences?

An old brick wall showing signs of old paint has a battered sign on it that says Accessible Entrance.
Opinions & Analysis

Talking about access should be part of every day...

... and improving access just as often.

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