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Exhibition review: Danie Mellor: marru I the unseen visible, Queensland Art Gallery
North Queensland multidisciplinary artist, Danie Mellor, explores Australia’s shared history in a powerful new exhibition.

Vivid Sydney 2025 program, freshly released and packed
For its 15th anniversary, Vivid Sydney dares to dream with its new theme.

Exhibition review: Thinking together: Exchanges with the natural world, Bundanon
An exhibition that communes with nature in surprising and disparate ways.

Strong like the forest: how a regional gallery’s ecosystem connects artists and community
Guest curator Christine Willcocks discusses the environmental and creative themes behind the Grafton Regional Gallery exhibition, ‘True North: From the…

Exhibition review: Akil Ahamat: Extinguishing Hope, University of Technology Sydney Gallery
The artist examines pathways to mitigate the spectre of disaster.

Vale Laurens Tan: a force that made the world feel a little smaller
Multidisciplinary artist Laurens Tan was an original – a pioneer in the Asian-Australian art space, and a generous spirit –…

13 cracker museum exhibitions in 2025
Shift your perspective on the world in 2025, and visit a museum. Here are 13 hot shows for the diary.

Film review: Lasting Impressions, IMAX Melbourne
Impressionist artworks explored through immersive 3D and animation, and set to music by Debussy, Ravel, Piaf and others.

Exhibition review: Contact Zone: Victoria Wareham, Metro Arts
The screen and its relationship with the viewer.

Exhibition review: Pompeii, National Museum of Australia
Off the back of new discoveries and a wave of immersive exhibitions globally, Pompeii is the star of an exhibition…