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Queensland Ballet. Three buildings next to each other. One a brick two-storey house with five windows and a door, the middle is a recessed glass and concrete ballet centre, and on the right is a large glass facade.

What the future has in store for Queensland Ballet

After Queensland Ballet’s growth as an internationally recognised arts company, Executive Director Dilshani Weerasinghe considers its achievements and next steps.

Black and white photo of a female dancer's body twisting in mid-air.

Australasian Dance Collective launches new vocational training program

Based in Brisbane and supported by the Queensland Government, the ADC will offer full-time pre-professional dance training for emerging dancers…

Annmarie Clifton-James headshot of young woman with light brown skin and long dark hair smiling as she studies dance at WAAPA.
Education & Student News

Why I'm studying... Honours in Performing Arts (Dance) at WAAPA

West Australian dancer Annmarie Clifton-James graduated from WAAPA in 2022, but chose to continue study with an Honours year. She…

Photo of a male ballet dancer holding up a female ballet dancer against a dark grey background.
Opinions & Analysis

Boys can do ballet too

Ballet dancer and educational leader Gregor Thieler discusses breaking gender stereotypes in classical dance.

Education & Student News

Two artists awarded Co3+STRUT dance fellowships

Laura Boynes and Georgia Van Gils share fellowships totalling $90,000 in a new initiative to enrich WA's independent dance ecology.

I Gut this Feeling Jamaylya Ballangarry-Kearins and Maurice Sailor. Photo: Mimi Tanaka

Good things happen when the young Dare to Dream

JUTE Theatre Company’s new First Nations residency program, Dare to Dream, hits the road this month in Far North Queensland.


First Nations storytelling for younger audiences

Through navigating trauma and celebrating culture, children can engage with First Nations stories from the page to the stage.


Rethinking performance, exhibition and documentation through dance

From dance experimentations in the 70s to more recent performance-exhibitions, what does it mean to look at dance in a…


How an arts education helps grow mentally healthy children

Opening your own Stagecoach Performing Arts franchise can grow opportunities for young people and help them build the skills they…

NIDA NAISDA First Nations dance students
Education & Student News

Students re-envision dance through a First Nations lens

NIDA and NAISDA create a safe cultural space for First Nations and non-Indigenous students to experiment and collaborate through dance.

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