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A brown dog sitting at someone's feet as they work at a desk. Pets workplace.

Pets in the workplace – pros and cons

To coincide with 'Take your dog to work day', ArtsHub canvasses the pros and cons of animals in the workplace.

Asian woman on lounge reading from laptop computer and wearing light blue sweater. Arts news.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Creative burnout is common and profoundly impact your health. In this picture, a woman with stained mascara holds up a smiley face to cover her sadness.

7 signs of severe creative burnout

Almost everyone experiences creative droughts, but how can you tell when you're genuinely putting your health at risk?

Career Advice

5 tips when applying for an arts grant

It certainly isn't easy to land a creative grant, but here are some tips to ensure your entry has the…

Man and woman sitting on ground back to back looking at their phones. Arts news.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Photo: SHVETS production, Pexels.
Career Advice

Many arts organisations are seeking communications coordinators – what skills do you actually need?

More than what the job title may suggest, communications coordinators require a vast array of responsibilities and skills, and those…

Avoid these mistakes to ensure you get the most out of tax time. Photo: Sam Lion, Unsplash. A little dog wearing a yellow striped tie with a pair of glasses resting on its nose.
Career Advice

What not to do at tax time

Avoid making these four mistakes to ensure a smooth tax time.

Photo: Eric Nopanen, Unsplash. Woman lying on the ground near grey radio.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Career Advice

Lesser known tax deductions for creative freelancers

What are some of the tax deductions creatives can and can't claim?

A young man sitting in a music recording studio surrounded by sound equipment.

What's changed for artists’ incomes? Throsby-led research paints harsh view

Findings from Creative Australia’s latest six-yearly demographic research into the working lives of artists reveals some concerning trends.

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