
Some of my Best Friends are Single

FEAST FESTIVAL: Singer Libby O'Donovan put on a dazzling night of fun and entertainment, for yet another sold-out performance.
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Libby O’Donovan returns to the Adelaide cabaret scene after a sell-out season during this year’s Adelaide Cabaret Fringe, this time for the Adelaide Feast Festival.

Under the arches of The Ballroom in Light Square, O’Donovan arrives on stage in a knee-length coat and from the first note, you know you’re in for a dazzling night of fun and entertainment.

Confessing to being single (yes, seriously, she says, as hard as that may be to believe), what is O’Donovan going to do about it? Sing, of course! She throws off the coat, to reveal a nurse’s outfit and – after several calls for assistance to get off the stage – trawls the audience to see what’s on offer. She makes sure no one misses out on her, including the males who, she is glad to see, are sitting at the back.

Upon her return to the stage, another call for assistance and, under the carefully structured warnings about content from her backing singers, she goes from PVC to woollen suit. She sings of love, loss, pain and, of course, sex and sexuality. Some are humorous, some ponderous, all amazingly delivered with heart and soul.

Stand outs included ‘Song for Sexy Straight’, about her painful love affair with a straight woman; ‘Silver Fox’, a powerful, rocking climax to the show; and two songs about motherhood – ‘From this Mother, to My Mother’ and the beautiful and touching ‘Maisy’s Song’, about the love Libby discovered through her daughter.

I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of O’Donovan in the not too distant future. If you haven’t caught her, do. And if you have, I’m sure you’ll want to see her, again … who knows, ladies, she might even give you her number; she is single, after all!

Rating: 5 stars

Some Of My Best Friends Are Single
By Libby O’Donovan
Feast Hub Precinct: The Ballroom
November 17 – November 18 (as part of the Adelaide Feast Festival)

Glen Christie
About the Author
Glen Christie is a graduate of the University of Tasmania and recipient of the Country Club Casino Theatrical Development Award and Adelaide Critics Circle Award Winner. He trained as a secondary Drama teacher and Arts Manager, has worked for the Adelaide Fringe and Adelaide Festival Centre, is a founding member of Acorn Productions (SA), and a veteran of the South Australian amateur theatre scene.