
Noel and Gertie

A fascinating snapshot of two theatrical greats, most wonderfully performed.
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Ah, the glamorous, glittering world of Noel Coward, especially in the 1920s and 30s. If you are a theatre person, if you admire The Master’s writing, if you like gossip and glamour, if you enjoy musical theatre and are into The Great Gatsby and Downton Abbey, then this stage production is for you.

Developed from diary entries, and letters and telegrams exchanged between Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence, this is a brilliant portrayal of their now legendary relationship.

It is directed lovingly and with a precise, elegant touch by Nancye Hayes, and the superb cast positively glows. The musical accompaniment is delightfully provided by pianist Vincent Colagiuri. Graham Maclean’s set is an elegant Art Deco construction – a posh hotel lobby or similar. Some of the show is very funny, some of it is poignant and heartbreaking, and over the evening many now classic works are performed.

Recently returned from London, James Millar (Gutenberg, Jerry Springer the Opera) gives a brilliant performance as Noel Coward, full of vibrancy and warmth, and debonair in a tuxedo and shiny black patent leather shoes. We follow his career, from childhood actor to director, composer, playwright and actor, with the narrative encompassing such classics as Blithe Spirit, Private Lives, Present Laughter, Hay Fever and Brief Encounter, and such songs as ‘Mad Dogs and Englishmen’, ‘Don’t Put Your Daughter on the stage Mrs Worthington’ (here given a rather alarming and furious performance) and ‘I’ll See You Again’.

Superb performances are given of major scenes from Private Lives, Brief Encounter and Blithe Spirit, among others.     

As his leading lady, sparring partner and muse, Gertrude Laurence, Lucy Maunder (Dr.Zhivago, Jekyll and Hyde) is superb; alabaster elegant in a long, flowing, white 1930s-style gown. She scintillates as Amanda in the Private Lives scenes; is a witty, ghostly spitfire Elvira in Blithe Spirit; heartbroken and intense in the scenes from Brief Encounter.

There is a wonderful passion and warmth, a love of theatre that exudes from the tremendous cast, more than animating Coward’s and Lawrence’s lives in this totally charming, enthralling show.

A fascinating snapshot of two theatrical greats, most wonderfully performed. Thoroughly recommended.

Rating: 4 ½ stars out of 5

Noel and Gertie

Director/Choreographer: Nancye Hayes

Musical director/accompanist: Vincent Colagiuri

Set and costume design: Graham Maclean

Lighting design: Nicholas Higgins

Stars James Millar as Noel Coward and Lucy Maunder as Gertrude Lawrence

Running time: Two hours 15 mins (approx) including one interval


The Concourse, Chatswood

26 – 29 June


See website for additional tour dates in NSW, VIC and SA

Lynne Lancaster
About the Author
Lynne Lancaster is a Sydney based arts writer who has previously worked for Ticketek, Tickemaster and the Sydney Theatre Company. She has an MA in Theatre from UNSW, and when living in the UK completed the dance criticism course at Sadlers Wells, linked in with Chichester University.