
Max and Ivan are Con Artists

Thoughtfully choreographed physicality, offbeat humour, and a dazzling comedic synergy adds up to a remarkable and memorable whole.
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Max Olesker and Ivan Gonzalez are the Kings of Budget Comedy. And the only ‘con’ here would be if you were to miss their show: a fast-paced and complex series of sketches about six criminals undertaking one last, great heist.  

Olesker and Gonzalez impressively dramatise the plot’s multiple characters, all with little more than a relentless energy and a heart-warmingly embarrassing dedication to their vivid characterisations: think beer, toothpaste and an unfortunate gargling incident.

Among the motley gang assembled for the plot’s heist are computer hacker Lady Lavinia, a toffy lush with a catalogue of adult film credits to her name, and the wheeling, dealing Dmitri peddling his preposterous development project-cum-charity sham, ‘Philathropica’. While some of the characterisations are a little familiar – there are hints of influence from contemporary British greats such as Matt Lucas and Sacha Baron Cohen – the pair have a knack for accents and self-parody, as well as brilliant comic timing.  

As seems to be the case with many great comedy acts, Olesker and Gonzalez met at university; consequently, their shared history and familiarity with one another results in a dazzling comedic synergy – the true star of this show.

In lesser hands, the chaos of the plot, paired with the nuances of each character, would likely as not result in a precarious comedic balance that could easily be derailed. Not for these two: Olesker and Gonzalez skilfully convey their absurd spectacle – most notably a moment three quarters of the way through the show when they flawlessly deliver a multi-conference phone conversation between the six gang members, complete with accents, physical attributes, stage blocking and all.  

Part Fawlty Towers, part Oceans 11, this 60 minute show is emphatically better than both thanks to its live, thoughtfully choreographed physicality and off-beat humour. Well worth the price of a ticket!

Rating: 4 ½ stars out of 5


Max and Ivan are Con Artists

Melbourne Town Hall

28 March – 21 April


Melbourne International Comedy Festival

27 March – 21 April


Eugenia Twomey
About the Author
Eugenia is a Melbourne-based freelancer with a passion for the creative and the digital - particularly their future matrimony. She has a background in music, design and communications and is always looking for another string to add to her bow.