
Ma Ma Ma Mad

Merlynn Tong is brilliant and effortless as she tells her story.
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Very few ​are brave enough to discuss their experience of depression and attempted suicide so openly; even fewer can own those memories and recreate the ​experience for an audience to attempt to understand themselves. Merlynn Tong does just that, and all with an element of grace and humour that leaves patrons feeling humbled by this young woman’s experiences dealing with death, sex, and domestic abuse. Tong is brilliant and effortless as she tells her story. She changes from herself, her mother (Millie), nannie (Maria), and other various individuals who have left their mark on her life growing up.

Set in Singapore, Tong tells of her life as a young girl living with her family in a Chinese karaoke bar. From an early point in her life, she was exposed to a different lifestyle that most would have no idea about, learning often through accident about things such as sex. The show combines real-life experiences with a comedic edge that makes the audience become invested in her life, and creates a real sense of sympathy and understanding on how she overcame her trials. Patrons will feel nothing but respect for how this talented woman has managed to come so far with what she’s had to deal with.

During one of the memorable moments of the production the audience sang along, karaoke-style. This was a beautiful aspect of how ​real this production is. The love that Tong’s mother put into her family is evident not only in the way she is portrayed, but also by the efforts she went through to try and save her husband​. The production’s key focus is a message to audience members: do not be afraid to reach out and seek help if ​you are suffering from depression.

All together, this is a very realistic and enthralling retelling of Tong’s life. The production itself is well thought-out and allows for a comfortable discussion of how individuals deal with ​depression; the focus on the material, rather than the set and costuming does well to compliment the key elements of the story. It is clear that Merlynn Tong is becoming a very talented icon in Brisbane’s artistic community.

Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5

Ma Ma Ma Mad

Director: Shane Pike
Writer: Merlynn Tong
Cast: Merlynn Tong

Presented by Brisbane Powerhouse and Wax Lyrical Productions
Studio 53 & 1/2, Brisbane Powerhouse
3 – 6 DEC 2015

Devon Cartwright
About the Author
Devon is a freelance theatre critic, director, and event manager based in Melbourne with network connections in Brisbane and Sydney, as well as internationally across Canada, the US, and Europe. He holds an Advanced Diploma in Music Theatre Performance from St Clair College in Windsor Canada, and a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies from the Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Drama in London UK; in addition to this, he studied on exchange with the University of Windsor (Communications, Media & Film) and Griffith University (Contemporary & Applied Theatre). Devon has been involved in the operations of venues across Australia including the Brisbane Powerhouse, Redland Performing Arts Centre in Queensland, Gasworks Arts Park in Melbourne, and most notably with Cirque du Soleil during their 2016-2017 Australian tour of Kooza.