
Frisky and Mannish: Extra-Curricular Activities

Fringe World regulars Frisky and Mannish continue to engage, astound and delight Perth festival-goers.
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Extra-Curricular Activities has less storyline than previous shows from Fringe World regulars Frisky & Mannish, with the UK duo apparently presenting a ‘best of’ line up, while keeping things fresh with a sprinkling of recent hits and current artists. The result is a very funny examination of pop music conventions, from lyrics and vocal stylings to downright dangerous dance moves.


Comedic value aside, Frisky’s voice is so powerful and versatile – from angelic clarion notes and a heart-melting cover of ‘Eternal Flame’ to a down and dirty channelling of Lil Kim – that it could carry a straight musical performance on its own. Mannish’s assured keyboard work perfectly accompanies the rapid song shifts, but his own vocal stylings are kept tantalisingly brief. His deliciously dark and witty snark, coupled with Frisky’s expressive physical comedy, took the whole production to another level of entertainment again. Baz Luhrmann would have been proud to see how scenes from Strictly Ballroom were used in an audience participation routine, with one lucky man being taught the Paso Doble ‘from the heart’.


The rapid technical changes required to fully realise the stealthy humour and make musical points owes a great deal to obsessive rehearsal and the behind-the-scenes skills of production manager Barry Hilton. Great use of video saw projection worked in to the show with precise timing, particularly impressing with Xbox Kinect-style graphics matching live dance moves. The show’s warm up of slick film-clips and spoof scrolling news feeds, and the homage to reality TV with video from the dressing room to the stage entry, had the audience in stitches – far more than a time-filling gimmick. Lighting similarly matched movement, mood and song styles with impressively complex programming, especially in the temporary Fringe venue. Hilton deserves further accolades for working so closely with the show’s sharp, seemingly spontaneous, frenetic pace.


Frisky and Mannish amaze with their musical ability, their comedic talent, and their love of the outrageous. They push the boundaries but without desperation to shock for the sake of shocking. With their wit and dedication to getting the show perfect each and every time, they have presented one of the stand out performances of this year’s Fringe World.


Rating: 4 ½ stars out of 5


Frisky and Mannish’s Extra Curricular Activities

Written and Performed by Frisky and Mannish

Production Manager – Barry Hilton

Circus Theatre, Perth Cultural Centre

27 January – 10 February


Fringe World 2013

25 January – 24 February

Nerida Dickinson
About the Author
Nerida Dickinson is a writer with an interest in the arts. Previously based in Melbourne and Manchester, she is observing the growth of Perth's arts sector with interest.