Mitchel Cumming

Mitchel Cumming is a contemporary Australian artist and founder/director of the Association for the Facilitation of Access to Art for Australian Residents (AFAAAR).
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Mitchel Cumming is currently completing his Undergraduate degree at Sydney College of the Arts. His practice, while constantly connected to an interest in drawing,painting,image-making, more generally consists of an exploratory interest in the art world and its connections to the wider reality. He has exhibited both in Australia (Papermill Gallery, Damien Minton Annex Space) and abroad (Temporary Space -Houston, Deleon White Gallery -Toronto, Space 15Twenty -Los Angeles).

1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I dressed up every year when I was a child. My mother had a friend who was a tailor, and every second year I was allowed to choose a new costume. One year I wanted to be a Spanish torero and my grandmother brought the hat, banderillas and red rag from Spain, all child-size. But the story with the torero rag is embarrassing, because when I told my flute teacher that somebody had torn the rag off the bamboo stick, my teacher asked me about the meaning of a red flag and I couldn’t say.

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