If you are an artist, arts worker, or arts leader, chances are that you or someone you work with is experiencing mental ill health. Distressed image via www.publicdomainpictures.net
The combination of the vulnerabilities of creative people and the stresses of the sector, mean those working in arts and disability often find they are dealing with mental health issues.
At Arts Access Australia’s Meeting Place 2016, a panel discussion explored the lived experiences of mental health issues in the arts sector and provided provided practical strategies to assist those working in the arts and disability sector.
The panel features Emma Barrance, Strategic Programs Manager and Creative Director of Arthur Creative Services; Arts Access Australia Co-CEO Emma Bennison, and independent consultant Frank Ashe. It is chaired by Mallika Macleod, Manager Participation, Arts & Health at DADAA.
Captioned video footage of the panel has recently been made available.