What a surge in art prize entrants reveals about arts participation in Australia

Many Australian art prizes are receiving record entries. The reasons behind this growth suggests some shifting dynamics are at play.
An art gallery wall covered with small paintings of all kinds. There are so many works it looks like an art prize exhibition.

As the saying goes, there is not one, but many art worlds within the larger arts landscape, and it’s up to artists to find their place and their audiences within.

But lately, there has been noticeable surge in art prize entry numbers, signaling a change may well be underway in certain areas of the visual arts.

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ArtsHub's Arts Feature Writer Jo Pickup is based in Perth. An arts writer and manager, she has worked as a journalist and broadcaster for media such as the ABC, RTRFM and The West Australian newspaper, contributing media content and commentary on art, culture and design. She has also worked for arts organisations such as Fremantle Arts Centre, STRUT dance, and the Aboriginal Arts Centre Hub of WA, as well as being a sessional arts lecturer at The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA).