Wesley Enoch criticises ‘an age of inarticulate leadership’

Reflecting on the state of the arts, Queensland and First Nations theatre-making at the end of 2023, Wesley Enoch has much to say.

The week before the Voice referendum, Wesley Enoch felt a shadow approaching. ‘Opinion, emotion and scepticism have their place, but we should be wary of these things replacing wisdom, empathy and a future-focused discussion,’ he said then. 

Two months later, Enoch says he’s emerged from his initial state of despair, which he titles his ‘the world is f***ed’ phase. He is now poised to enter what he feels is a final decade of ‘high energy making’ and is questioning how to spend his time best.

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David Burton is a writer from Meanjin, Brisbane. David also works as a playwright, director and author. He is the playwright of over 30 professionally produced plays. He holds a Doctorate in the Creative Industries.