War memorial sculpture takes on new resonance after Defence Royal Commission report

As Australia faces difficult truths about its Defence Force this week, we are reminded of the power of art to contribute to these important conversations.
Alex Seton Australian War Memorial

Warning: the following story discusses suicide.

This week, the Federal Government’s Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide concluded its three-year long investigation into the disproportionate mental health effects and suicide outcomes for Australian Defence Force personnel in recent years.

Over the course of its investigation, the Royal Commissioners heard from thousands of current and former Australian Defence Force personnel and their families about their experiences as result of their work. 

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ArtsHub's Arts Feature Writer Jo Pickup is based in Perth. An arts writer and manager, she has worked as a journalist and broadcaster for media such as the ABC, RTRFM and The West Australian newspaper, contributing media content and commentary on art, culture and design. She has also worked for arts organisations such as Fremantle Arts Centre, STRUT dance, and the Aboriginal Arts Centre Hub of WA, as well as being a sessional arts lecturer at The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA).