The rapturous reunion of the Sydney Dance Company and Australian Chamber Orchestra

Sydney Dance Company has teamed up with the Australian Chamber Orchestra once more on a heavenly tour.
Silence & Rapture. A female dancer with slicked back dark hair has one leg bent with her foot touching her other knee and one arm stretching up and the other across to a bald headed man standing and playing a double bass. They are in a wharf building converted to a studio/stage space.

It’s not usually the instinct of Sydney Dance Company (SDC) artistic director Rafael Bonachela to go small when choreographing. But occasionally you have to open yourself to a different approach. Such was the case when working alongside Richard Tognetti and the Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) for the first time in 15 years on the new concert Silence & Rapture.

The production pairs the soaring works of Johann Sebastian Bach with those of revered Estonian composer Arvo Pärt. Bonachela says his arms got goosebumps while listening to British countertenor Iestyn Davies sing Robert Burns’ poem My Heart’s in the Highlands, as set to Pärt’s pared-back composition and accompanied by ACO’s principal cellist, Timo-Veikko “Tipi” Valve.

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Stephen A Russell is a Melbourne-based arts writer. His writing regularly appears in Fairfax publications, SBS online, Flicks, Time Out, The Saturday Paper, The Big Issue and Metro magazine. You can hear him on Joy FM.