Artists have already done a lot with robots, but it’s safe to say that there’s more to come - especially by helping them produce sculptural art.
2 Aug 2017 12:00
Jared Donovan
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Writing and Publishing
An industrial robot arm used for sculpture. Ars Electronica, CC BY-NC-NDTwo weeks ago, in an industrial shed in the northern suburbs of Brisbane, a team of engineers installed a large, orange robot arm. It was a standard industrial robot arm, but it was not going to be used for standard purposes. The robot’s job would be to carve moulds for the casting of large-scale, metal sculptures. It is being installed by Urban Art Projects, a company that specialises in the manufacture of sculpture and custom architectural facades.
Dr Jared Donovan is a Senior Lecturer in Interaction Design in
the School of Design at the Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland
University of Technology. He has an educational background in
Illustration and Information Technology. His main research interests are
in the areas of Gestural and Embodied Interaction, Participatory
Design, Design Robotics and Performance Robotics. The main aim of his
research is to find better ways for people to be able to interact with
new interactive technologies.
Jared graduated from Griffith University, Queensland College of Art
with a Bachelor of Visual Arts in Illustration in 1996. Jared completed a PhD on gestural interactions at The
University of Queensland in 2011. From 2007-2011 Jared worked as a research fellow at the University of
Southern Denmark, including for three years at the SPRIE Centre for
Participatory Innovation.