Job insights: most in-demand arts jobs and salaries in Australia 2024

Which roles are arts employers looking for most? Which roles are you most interested in reading about? Here’s what the data tells us.
a birds eye view of a pair of women's hands reaching to laptop keyboard.

The Australian arts sector can be a tough nut to crack when it comes to securing well-paid permanent arts jobs.

In fact, recent research shows that if you are a creative professional seeking arts jobs and work in an artistic role, the reality is that only about half your income will come from your creative or artistic work, while the rest of your earnings will come from work you do outside of the arts, or from other non-creative roles you perform in the arts.

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ArtsHub's Arts Feature Writer Jo Pickup is based in Perth. An arts writer and manager, she has worked as a journalist and broadcaster for media such as the ABC, RTRFM and The West Australian newspaper, contributing media content and commentary on art, culture and design. She has also worked for arts organisations such as Fremantle Arts Centre, STRUT dance, and the Aboriginal Arts Centre Hub of WA, as well as being a sessional arts lecturer at The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA).