Life after death: art after suicide

Art can play an important therapeutic role in helping those affected by suicidal thoughts and by helping the rest of us understand a subject that remains taboo.
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From Vincent van Gogh to Diane Arbus, many artists have ended their careers with suicide.

But what if they had survived the attempt? The insight that an artist who survives suicide can bring is beyond what medical experts or loved ones can tell us. These are people who have been there and returned to tell the tale.

The depression that can lead to suicide is often considered a creative catalyst but it is also a destroyer of lives. Virginia Woolf wrote in her last note to her husband before taking her own life: ‘I don’t think two people could have been happier until this terrible disease came. I can’t fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know.’

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Sarah Adams
About the Author
Sarah Adams is a media, film and television junkie. She is the former deputy editor of ArtsHub Australia and now works in digital communications - telling research stories across multiple platforms - in the higher education sector. Follow her @sezadams