Historic collections could be lost to ‘digital dinosaurs’
Australian’s cultural institutions must adopt more of a digital strategy if they are to remain relevant with audiences.
16 Sep 2014 12:00
Michael Brünig
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Visual Arts
3D map of The Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne. CSIRO
Australian’s museums, galleries and other cultural institutions must adopt more of a digital strategy with their collections if they are to remain relevant with audiences.
Only about a quarter of the collections held by the sector have been digitised so far and a study out today says more needs to be done to protect and preserve the material, and make it available to people online.
Dr.Michael Brunig is the Director of the Digital Productivity Flagship at CSIRO, which is focused on improving Australia's productivity using data and digital technologies to address economic and developmental challenges. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland.
Part of this research was funded through the Australian Centre for Broadband innovation (ACBI).