If you are not playing by these budgeting rules, don't expect the numbers to add up on an arts income.
11 Nov 2015 12:00
Chris Enns
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Writing and Publishing
Dickens’ Mr Micawber, as drawn by Joseph Clayton Clarke, was famous for the maxim​: ‘Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds nought and six, result misery.’
Budgeting: it’s easy. There are a ton of websites that will tell you how to do it. Just take your projected income for the month. Then categorize your expenses. Fit that income into those expenses. Hey presto… a budget.
Chris Enns is an opera singer and personal finance blogger at From Rags to Reasonable: Personal Finance for Artists and Storytellers.
When he’s not on the stage, he’s working hard to reclaim the financial
world for the creative thinkers, freelancers, and all those other folks
who were always told they’d ‘never be good at money’. He’s passionate
about proving that you don’t need a lot of cash to live a beautiful