Big Ideas for Young People

MELBOURNE WRITERS FESTIVAL: Ideas don’t get much bigger than the Big Bang, the Fermi Paradox and Gaia. These were just notable side notes in Prof Tim Flannery’s talk on Tuesday night as he tackled the not small topic of ‘Our Future’.
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Ideas don’t get much bigger than the Big Bang, the Fermi Paradox and Gaia. These were just notable side notes in Prof Tim Flannery’s talk on Tuesday night as he tackled the not small topic of Our Future’ in conversation with Michael Williams from the Wheeler Centre. It was one of three Big Ideas for high school kids at the Melbourne Writers Festival, held over three evenings this week.

‘Nothing is that we think it so!’ Flannery said. And Flannery is an audacious thinker. He started this talk with breathless excitement at the possibilities open for young people, for the future they will experience. Gosh, I wish people spoke to me like that more often, how great would that be.

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Fiona Mackrell
About the Author
Fiona Mackrell is a Melbourne based freelancer. You can follow her at @McFifi or check out