As Alamo founder and CEO Tim League publicly recognised, their response was both serious and tongue-in-cheek, framed to raise awareness of the issue. Of course, many shared the same sentiments; though Madonna’s actions put a high-profile face to changing crowd behavior, the act that caused such attention is a sadly frequent occurrence in film and theatre sessions.
Dialogue surrounding acceptable conduct is ongoing, a product of times that see patrons glued to screens large and small for much of their waking hours, and increasingly unwilling to go without their technology fix for even a short period. Already, copious column inches have been dedicated to mobile phone etiquette in social situations: is it okay to check your emails while you’re with a friend; or text during after-work drinks; or tweet your dinner conversation? Now, the questions surround second screen usage, with tablets, laptops and phones becoming a crucial part of the watching experience. Although originally centred around television viewing, it was inevitable that the trend would migrate out of homes and into cinemas and theatres.