Small tweaks to your money habits and attitudes can help creatives manage erratic incomes and meet savings goals.
2 Jan 2017 12:00
Madeleine Dore
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Writing and Publishing
With the median creative income for Australian artists being $7,000 – and $22,500 for those working on their practice full time, it’s no surprise the subject of money can be a tenuous one for many.
At times, it can even feel as if financial advice doesn’t apply to those in the creative industries – after all, who is thinking about investing in their superannuation when they’re busy chasing up an overdue invoice? Incomes can be erratic, and many in the arts sector work lengthy hours for not much pay.
Madeleine Dore is a freelance writer and founder of Extraordinary Routines, an interview project exploring the intersection between creativity and imperfection. She is the previous Deputy Editor at ArtsHub. Follow her on Twitter at @RoutineCurator