Writing and Publishing

Wedhus Gembel
The transformation of characters and visual cues is particularly noteworthy.

Trixie & Monkey's Bottoms Up Circus
Fast-paced mayhem featuring boobies and bananas.

The House at Anzac Parade
Victor Kline is a highly effective storyteller and expert at conjuring characters from his past with wit, candour and detail.

High rents aren't hip: the contradictions of the 'creative city'
With the cost of living in Australian cities among the highest in the world, what is the cost to the…

ArtsReady brokers employment partnerships
ArtsReady supports partner employers to create training opportunities for young people making a start in the arts and creative industries.

ArtsReady and OzCo partner on new traineeships
The Australia Council is one of the first organisations to sign on as a partner in the ArtsReady program of…

Eben Love is the first ever ArtsReady Indigenous trainee
19 year-old Eben Love turned volunteering into a vocation in January when he became the nation’s first Indigenous ArtsReady trainee.

ArtsReady trainees are paid to learn on the job
Young people keen to work in support and service roles in the creative sector can be paid to work and…

ArtsReady takes pathways to and from school
ArtsReady has pathways for students still in school and for those who would like to come back to work in…

Managing White Night
Any Melburnian with even a passing interest in the Arts knows where to be this weekend, but not necessarily what…