Writing and Publishing

HECS-style payback mooted for arts grants
Successful artists would have to pay back government grants under a suggestion by Liberal Senator Ian McDonald.

Fifield promises NPEA decision within two weeks
Minister Fifield has taken a conciliatory approach to the sector at the National Arts Roundtable held in Sydney today.

Victorian artists receive $1.3 million across 70 projects
The Andrews Government has announced funding for art projects across the state through Creative Victoria’s VicArts Grants program

Indigenous and disadvantaged artists will suffer under NPEA
Witnesses at day one of the Senate inquiry in Sydney have stressed the damage wrought by the government’s raid on…

Is originality over-rated?
In the age of the mash-up, adaptations, reappropriations and covers can provide a more viable stream of work than doing…

Finding ears for new music
Orchestras and opera companies complain audiences don’t want new repertoire but an audience for new music can be built.

Perth’s international empathy festival
A theme of empathy and understanding runs through the 2016 Perth International Arts Festival program.

How to budget on a variable income
Stop using your erratic income as an excuse to avoid taking control of your finances

Optimism prevails despite uncertainty in the industry
Arts and media professionals are facing tumultuous times but most in the arts are optimistic about the impact of the…

Eleanor Limprecht's Long Bay
We see, hear, smell and feel that bygone Sydney through the eyes of Rebecca, a character that comes vividly to…