Writing and Publishing

Copyright guide for street art and 3D printing
Did you know that copyright can apply to your tattoo and your tag? We bring you copyright updates from the…

Should a commercial gallery receive Catalyst funding?
Half a million is a big piece of the $12 million pie to be awarded to a commercial gallery within…

12 great books by Australian women
The Stella Prize announces its 2016 longlist, celebrating a diversity of genres and titles written by Australian women.

Great expectations set students up for a fall
Course outlines can offer tantalising visions to prospective students but some who go in planning a creative arts career are…

Overcoming creation guilt in the arts
Should being busy really be a badge of honour? The mounting pressure for artists to create more, more, more may…

Conferences shouldn't only be a talkfest
Creating different avenues for learning can turn conferences from a talkfest into an important space for practical education in the…

Building a new arts precinct from scratch
In an ArtsHub exclusive, Marcus Westbury takes time out in his first week on the job to discuss the creation…

Beyond Bangarra: the centrality of Indigenous art in Australia
With Stephen Page celebrating his 25th year at Bangarra, we explore how white Australia’s attitude to Indigenous art and culture…

Why this week means I would refuse Catalyst funding
A grants manager argues that arts organisations should reconsider taking money from a government that is deporting babies.

New warrant would allow police to seize museum artefacts
A new model proposed by a government review would give museums clearer public accountability and reduce the chances of another…