Writing and Publishing

Culture needs to catch up with the new old
Arts organisations need to adjust their thinking to engage a booming population with time and energy to live a rich,…

Youth theatre companies under pressure in shrinking sector
Only three of 13 youth performing arts companies received project funding from the AusCo for 2016 but it's not always…

Carriageworks bid for $50 million facelift
With attendances that have grown seven-fold over the last five years, Carriageworks has proven its mixed-discipline entrepreneurial blend works.

My life as a plus-size actress
When you are a child actor, chubby means cute. When you hit adolescence, it can be agony. And as an…

Sounding the right note for women composers
A new initiative designed to address the gender imbalance in Australian composition has been launched in Sydney.

What is a Creative Cluster?
The Blue Mountains is the first to establish a Creative Cluster to bolster local collaboration and create a more resilient…

50 ways to land a job in the arts
Leading arts professionals share ideas on how to break into the industry that don't include working for free.

Shifting the stigma of regional arts
Dubbo as host of the national ARTLANDS conference is a strong case for funding regional arts over the metropolitan fringe.

Fringe artists fight for support as festival numbers swell
Despite growing audience at Fringe Festivals, artists are increasingly concerned about the risks and challenges of participating in such events.

Government grant will establish a home for Bell Shakespeare
A $1 million grant has laid the foundations for new home for the company at Sydney's Pier 2/3.