Writing and Publishing

Opportunities and awards
Environmental Music Prize open for entries, plus winners of Creative Engine grants, finalists of 41st Green Room Awards, and more!

Spoken word poetry: screaming their truths
To acknowledge and celebrate World Poetry Day, ArtsHub explores some grassroots spoken word festivals and speaks to their participants.

Bilingual Indigenous books preserving language while storytelling
The Indigenous Literacy Foundation and the Baya Gawiy Buga yani Jandu yani u Centre have published four children's books by…

The Creative Leadership program supporting transformative change
Wesley Enoch AM says leadership is about diversity, morals, shaking things up and always being open to learning.

Crossing boundaries and building bridges at Sydney Writers’ Festival 2024
The annual event returns looking to celebrate community and take its audience away from their everyday lives.

Yellowface: insights from Rebecca F Kuang
Rebecca F Kuang’s debut literary fiction, ‘Yellowface’ has taken the publishing world by storm. She revealed more about the book's…

Book review: Appreciation, Liam Pieper
A confusing and, at times, ill-paced romp.

Book review: Lead Us Not, Abbey Lay
What happens when a friend ghosts you and you have no idea why?

Opportunities and awards
Australia's biggest open studios event calls for registrations, plus portraits and landscapes taking out wins and Tasmanian Theatre Awards announced.

This week's arts news and trending topics
We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.