Writing and Publishing

Book review: The Wedding Forecast, Nina Kenwood
A romcom that celebrates friendship as much as romantic love.

Book review: Diving, Falling, Kylie Mirmohamadi
Grief, betrayal and taking back your own life is at the core of this debut novel.

Book review: My Brother's Ashes are in a Sandwich Bag, Michelle Brasier
A memoir that covers life and death, humour and heartache.

A Day in Carlton – new writers' festival in Melbourne's inner north
This November, bookmark Carlton not just for its pizza and gelato, but also for the mental nourishment of a writers'…

5 side hustles for writers
Are you a writer who needs to make some extra income on the side? Here are some ideas that may…

Accidental poetry should be all around us
Imagine stumbling into poems in unexpected places as you go about your day.

Book review: Beam of Light, John Kinsella
John Kinsella creates characters who are intensely, recognisably human in his collection of short stories.

Book review: Mural, Stephen Downes
A charming psychopath beguiles with his anecdotes.

Book review: The Infant Vine, Isabella G Mead
This debut collection of poetry plays with the intersection between motherhood and the natural world.

Opportunities and awards
Dark Mofo 2025 call-out, last chance to enter Ulrick and Schubert Photography Award, plus winners of Impact Awards and more!