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The Divine Deveny

OPINION: On Wednesday night as part of the Emerging Writers Festival Catherine Deveny, former Age columnist was a special extra…


Sydney Writers' Festival swoons on success

SYDNEY WRITERS' FESTIVAL: Despite rainy weather the Sydney Writers' Festival finished up last Sunday smashing the previous box office taking…


John Freeman living life less wired

SYDNEY WRITERS' FESTIVAL: ArtsHub talks with writer John Freeman.


Emerging writers you should know

EMERGING WRITERS' FESTIVAL: Philip Thiel, Loreli Vashti, Daniel Ducrou, Hoa Pham, Joel Magarey: Know who these emerging writers are? You…


Exposing children to more of the Arts

OPINION: That which someone else might deem inappropriate for their kids, I might embrace for my children's developmental enrichment.


Emerging Writers Feast

EMERGING WRITERS FESTIVAL: Imagine taking all the kid-in-a-candy-shop fun and excitement of Luna Park and mixing it with a writersā€™…


Sean Riley: Playwright

EMERGING WRITERS' FESTIVAL: Sean Riley is a playwright as well as an Ambassador of the Emerging Writersā€™ Festival.


Allison Browning: Writer

EMERGING WRITERS' FESTIVAL: Allison Browning is a freelance writer and editor who will be appearing as part of the Emerging…


National Play Festival furore

The 2010 National Play Festivalā€™s publicity material has been decried as sexist and demeaning to women.


Landscape and Western Art

OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS: Landscape and Western Art looks at the history of arts relationship with the landscape from renaissance painting…

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