Visual Arts

Board design, not just for jocks
Surfers, skateboarders and snowboarders are both consumers and creators of cutting edge design.
New Arts Vic Director
Arts Victoria has finally made a formal appointment to the top spot.

World Premier by Brits Tacita Dean and Game of Thrones actor Stephen Dillane
Famed film-maker turns to live art performance for a unique one-act work commissioned by the Biennale of Sydney and Carriageworks.

Top school talent makes NGV cut
Victorian visual art students are exhibited among the best in the state's premium art institution.

Aboriginal artist takes on mining giant through paintings
McArthur River Mine has had devastating consequences on a community and its environment; Jacky Green brings us that other story.

Emerging artists winners in new NSW fellowships
Arts NSW has broadened opportunities in an upgraded fellowship program.

Gail Hastings - Exhibition: To Do
Gail Hastings has a solution for creating work that might return to her studio (rather than to a museum or…

Strong results for Sotheby’s Art and Design auction
Sotheby’s Fine Asian, Australian and European Art and Design brought in impressive results this week.

How to raise big money for a specific purpose
Chutzpah, nous and planning are the keys to a successful fundraising campaign.

Community arts youth-saturated
Funding models are driving community arts practitioners towards working with young people, at the expense of other segments of the…