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Visual Arts

Hiromi Tango demonstrating the ritual wearing of all donated items prior to her incorporating parts of them into her installations during a workshop at Museum of Brisbane in October 2023. Photo: ArtsHub.

Full spectrum: the broad-reaching appeal of Hiromi Tango

Japanese Australian artist Hiromi Tango brings together knowledge embedded in rituals with ancient origins and scientific innovation to create sites…

Nighttime Righttime. Image is three women dressed in light gold shimmering one-pieces with sashes, gyrating in a large empty room.

Performance review: Nighttime Righttime, Carriageworks

Presented as part of Performance Space’s Liveworks Festival, ‘Nighttime Righttime’ was a syncopated medley of the wonderfully odd.

Each, Other. Image is a large pink walled gallery space with photographs on the walls.

Exhibition review: Each, Other, Griffith University Art Museum (GUAM)

‘Each, Other’ offers a compelling insight into the experiences of two photographers born in the wake of China's Open Door…

CALD. Image is of a large group of people some standing, some sitting on the ground, from Sweatshop, a Western Sydney-based literary movement.

CALD, CARM and collected: fostering the future artists of Australia

Leaders of Australia’s foremost arts companies run by and with culturally and linguistically diverse young people, speak about their role…

opportunities. Image is two people, one in red pants and white t shirt, and one in black, on the left of two paintings on the wall, and a man in a black suit on the right.

Opportunities and awards

Calibre Essay Prize open for entries, development opportunity for regional youths, plus winner of Portia Geach Memorial Award and finalists…

Aboriginal artist Vincent Namatjira sitting with a young Aboriginal student in an art class.

Aboriginal art in the classroom: state gallery model proving welcome support

Educational resources developed by the Art Gallery of South Australia are having nationwide impacts.

Fremantle Biennale. image is a stripey spotlight backdrop with the silhouette of a single figure standing in front of it.

Immersive artworks define 2023 Fremantle Biennale

The fourth iteration of this WA festival shows it is going from strength to strength.

Here and There. Image is of three four-sided mono-coloured images immediately next to each other along a gallery wall. The dark one is the shortest, next to it is a slightly taller yellow one and the tallest orange one is on the far right.

Exhibition review: David Serisier: Here and There, Orange Regional Gallery

David Serisier's lastest body of work was prompted by a photographic coincidence, but led to a deeply resolved exhibition.

What art ought to be. Image is of four people sitting on a stage in front of an audience, in conversation. On the left a woman of Asian appearance, with long dark hair, on her right a woman of Aboriginal appearance in grey and on her right a Caucasian man in black with long grey hair - and they are all looking at a woman on the far right in colourful crocheted attire.

What art ought to be through practice and engagement

Key topics raised at the recent Sydney Ideas talk on the importance of art in uncovering stories, connecting cultures, and…

Typewriter artist James Cook recreates view of Big Ben on site. Image is a hand holding up an image of Big Ben while looking down from a rooftop opposite the Palace of Westminster in London.

Typewriter artist creates sensations with hidden messages

London-based artist James Cook uses typewriters to create masterful pieces.

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