Visual Arts

Festival that makes the digital a physical experience
BLEED ‘22 stages its second iteration in a hybrid model to examine what digital works can teach us about physical…

Placing community at a festival’s heart while reaching for the stars
Brisbane Festival’s Louise Bezzina wants to redefine what a festival can and should be.

Precinct redevelopment sets a precedent for community consultation
The latest additions to Queensland’s Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct include a Living Museum, designed to showcase and celebrate locals…

How does your State Gallery show its permanent collection?
What’s the size of your State Gallery’s art collection? And how do they display these works?

How the arts assist with healthy ageing
As the population ages, arts programs helping people face the challenges of growing older are springing to life.

Opportunities and awards
Australian Council opportunities, JamFactory's Associate Program call out, Sisters in Crime’s 22nd Davitt Awards and more.

Vale gallerist Conny Dietzschold
Described as a brave dealer who championed conceptual art, she created an even playing field for Australian artists alongside international…

Exhibition review: The Churchie Emerging Art Prize 2022
'The Churchie' is a prize that offers a platform for emerging Australian artists to be profiled on a national stage.

Exhibition review: WHEN I AM NOT THERE
A performance-exhibition that includes components from the artist's earlier works of costumes, soundscapes and text.

Vegan art materials: taking the animal out of art
Put an end to dead animals in your art, and learn more about vegan art supplies.