Blog your way to a job
Blogging is fast becoming one of the best ways to show potential employers what you’re truly capable of.
Sweethearts: From student jammers to professional musicians
The all-girl high school soul band gets seriously successful with the highest industry-based qualification offered at any Australian school.
Not as Asian as it sounds
Lip service to Asian-Australia cultural links is not followed through at the South Asian Arts Festival.
Visual artists' fees: what is the status of artists in Australia?
When it comes to visual artists' rights, how does Australia compare with other countries?
Finding a job that fits your personality
You don't like what you are doing, but how do you know what you will like?
Community arts centres: anything but amateurish
Often the poor country cousin of professional arts, community art spaces provide a creative linchpin for emerging practitioners and the…
How to increase your online presence
Amid the ever expanding universe of cyberspace, attracting people to your site and getting them to stay there has become…
Teaching scientists to respect the arts
The myth that science is superior to arts would end if all higher education courses included a creative component.
Hurricane Sandy: New York's unwanted blockbuster
New York's arts and entertainment community is reeling from the effects of Hurricane Sandy.
How to choose the right drama school
So you’ve decided that you want to move out of amateur theatre and into the professional scene. But before you…