Fair use copyright favours 'carpetbagger mentality'
The Australian Society of Authors wants the Government to reject the recommendation for a 'fair use' exception in copyright law.
New SAM could spark ‘arts-led recovery’
A stand-alone Shepparton Art Museum (SAM) is one step closer after a new feasibility study was approved by council.
Philanthropic Mentorship Program receives support
Australia Council for the Arts joins Creative Partnerships Australia to fund mentorships for arts philanthropy executives.
Out of Print Book Club
The Out of Print Book Club is a well-oiled diversion with the potential, on the right day, to be brilliant.
Mother Bare
Denise Scott delivers a polished performance covering topics like childbirth, ‘the talk’ and cross-dressing parents.
Perth Writers Festival: Day Two
Gaming experts suggest that while a novel is a monologue, a game has to be a dialogue that allows for…
OzAsia Festival announces first major act for 2014
A dance drama from Adelaide’s sister state, the Chinese province of Shandong, will headline the festival in September.
A Black and White Night
Crowd behaviour is not an accident of large-scale sited events and White Night Melbourne could do better.
Perth Writers Festival: Day Three
Stu 'Sutu' Campbell describes Indigenous rock art as ‘the world’s oldest comic books’.
$10,000 fund for Gold Coast circus artists
The creative development fund is the latest initiative from the City of Gold Coast in the lead up to the…