
Meet the Artists, a visionary exhibition at the State Library of Queensland
This exhibition of Queensland artists highlights artistic experiences and knowledge, as well as the exhibits themselves.

Exhibition review: Yoshitomo Nara, Art Gallery of WA
Yoshitomo Nara’s sculptural, illustrative and photographic artworks express equality, freedom and peace.

Don't underestimate the cold call: behind HOTA's Pop exhibition
A clear coup, the billon-dollar Mugrabi Collection of Pop art comes to rest at the Gold Coast, in an Australian…

Arts Centre sculptures relocated for precinct transformation
Five landmark sculptures are on a five-year loan to McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery and Heide Museum of Art.

From desert to destination
Elliott Routledge's temporary installation on the sand dunes of Worimi Conservation Lands explores why artists are being drawn to the…

Exhibition review: Polly Borland, Nudie and Blobs, STATION
In her latest Australian exhibition, Polly Borland places the human body under the microscope (or rather, the iPhone camera).

Exhibition review: Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Reclaim, Metro Arts
First Nations and Pasifika artists seek to reset the cultural landscape.

'Anybody can exist in the art world,' says Wyndham Art Prize LEAP winner
Winning the Local Emerging Art Prize at the 2022 Wyndham Art Prize was a validating moment for artist Ivy Mutuku.

New public artworks to seek out
Public art is booming. ArtsHub takes a look at new commissions, and others on the horizon in NSW, Victoria, the…

An environmental art prize that encourages hope in the wasteland
The Hornsby Shire Art Prize, ‘Remagine’ allows artists to envisage and champion new ways of sustainable living.