Rebuilding the performing arts: an economist weighs in
One of Australia's best economics brains looks at the good and bad news for the arts as a keynote at…
Australian Performing Arts Exchange moves entirely online
The annual conference and arts market will now take place entirely online.
Changes made to Playing Australia cautiously welcomed
The Australia Council has reintroduced multi-year investments and streamlined the application process for the Regional Performing Arts Touring program.
Puppetry Review: Picasso and his Dog
The artist and his dachshund : a long-lasting, inspirational friendship
Theatre Review: The Lighthouse and Bluey's Big Play
Two very different experiences to engage wonder and play.
Eight new orgs join National Performing Arts Partnership Framework
The National Performing Arts Partnership Framework has expanded to 38 members, with the addition of companies and organisations from the…
15 years of amplifying Tasmanian voices
Established in 2006, Tasmania Performs remains agile and responsive, and dedicated to developing Tasmanian artists and showcasing their stories to…
Fremantle revealed as WA’s creative capital according to new research
According to data, 0.62% of Fremantle’s total fulltime workforce consists of visual and performing artists, compared with 0.29% for Perth…
So you want my arts job: Tamara Rewse, puppeteer and puppet-maker
If you can think laterally, are persistent, accurate and skilled at sewing and sculpting, becoming a puppet-maker might be the…
Arts sponsorship raises ethical questions
Can Perth have an ethical and sustainable Fringe Festival?